The aim of this short lesson on “how to write a vision statement for your business” is to equip you with the tools and inspiration to write your own vision statement. Having a strong vision statement will help you and your aspiring team to set your company apart.
What is a vision statement?
A vision statement is an aspirational sentence or paragraph for the future of your company, man kind or animal kind. It’s larger than life, exciting and paints an invigorating big picture synopsis of how a company wants to make a difference to the world or the community where they live as a direct result of its products or services. It’s about thinking big. Don’t hold back.
We have collated 3 vision statement examples together with our thoughts, to give you a flavour of their aspirational stance. We look at the Nike, Oxfam and Microsoft vision statements. Use these examples to inspire you to write great vision statements for your business.
Nike vision statement
We love this Nike vision statement. Why? Because it’s so big, it includes every human being on the planet. It’s also clever because it’s short and snappy and gets across very quickly that their products are inspiring and forward thinking for everyone.
“To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world.” “*If you have a body, you are an athlete”
Oxfam wins the prize for the fewest words in a vision statement. It’s so punch and easy to remember and embraces an ambitious vision of world equality where no-one is in poverty. You can’t get much bigger than that.
“A just world without poverty”
This is a founding mission statement from Microsoft and at that time was an incredibly big and brave vision to have. It doesn’t seem quite so ambitious now!
“A computer on every desk and in every home.”
We have outlined a few simple tasks to get you on your way to having a clear stated vision. These tasks can be done alone or better still together with friends and colleagues.
1. Send yourself to the future
Grab a coffee, jump up and down! Then close your eyes for 2 minutes and think about 5 to 10 years in the future. Think big, think great things. This is no time to be humble. Feel the butterflies in your belly. Questions to help you:
2. Write down your thoughts quickly using pen & paper
Write your thoughts down quickly from the heart Grab your favourite notebook and quickly transcribe all your thoughts using pen and paper, We advise to step away from the computer for this exercise. Write quickly and save your notes for the task in this module.
3. Write your vision statement
Take your notes from <how to write a vision statement> and write up and refine your vision statement in less than 10 words. Remember to think big. What is your company’s biggest dream and what will you do to make a difference?
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Key learnings of how to write a powerful vision statement
Guess the famous brand from these vision statements: